How is senior year almost over? It feels like just yesterday that I was a nervous freshman arriving late on the first day of school. Now, I’m counting down the days until graduation, realizing how quickly time has passed.
I had the opportunity to create a public service announcement (PSA) for a state journalism competition. As I planned and filmed this project, one phrase kept running through my mind: “In ten years.” Where will I be in a decade? What will life look like? What have I accomplished?
I knew this was the perfect theme. I wanted the PSA to capture the nostalgia of senior year and the entirety of high school itself. In ten years, we’ll be attending our class reunion, walking the same hallways we once rushed through, reminiscing about the days we spent in this building. Some of us will have moved away, while others might still call this place home, but we’ll always share the memories of our teenage years.
As I spent the week filming and editing, I found myself appreciating the little moments. The laughter between classes, after-school study sessions, and the friendships that have shaped me. High school had its ups and downs, but every challenge brought lessons that I will carry with me.
Looking ahead, I imagine myself at 27, working as an occupational therapist, hopefully living outside of Nebraska. Life, of course, is unpredictable. Maybe I’ll be exactly where I imagine, or maybe my path will take an entirely different turn. And who knows, maybe that asteroid scientists keep warning us about will finally hit! Jokes aside, the future remains a mystery.
What I do know is that I want to look back on this time and remember it as an incredible journey. Senior year is coming to an end, but the memories, friendships, and lessons will stay with me forever.