Enola Holmes 2 was released on Oct. 27, 2022, following the release of the first movie on Sept. 23, 2022. From the beginning of the movie, you can tell that the movie is very action packed since the main character, Enola Holmes, played by the popular actor Millie Bobby Brown, was running away from the police. This was great foreshadowing.
As expected, Enola Holmes was given a new assignment at the beginning of the movie. Unlike the first movie, where getting a case was unexpected and surprising, this one was expected. A young girl by the name of Bessie, played by Serrana Su-Ling Bliss, sought out Enola Holmes in hopes that she could find her non-biological sister Sarah, who had gone missing without a known trace.
In my opinion, this case seemed to be harder than the case she dealt with during the first movie. This case Enola didn’t have much to work with, but eventually she used what she had and the skills her mother gave her during her childhood, but she couldn’t do it alone.
In this movie, her older brother Sherlock Holmes, played by Henry Cavill, made some helpful appearances throughout the movie, as well as Eudoria Holmes, played by Helena Bonham Carter, and Edith played by Susan Wokoma.
In my opinion, this case was far more interesting than the case in the first movie. There was far more to it than just Sarah being missing. This case had more holes in it and more contradictions than the first case that made it far more difficult to solve.
I feel like this movie had far more action in it than the first movie did which I found was nice and just a hint of romance for the people who enjoy romance.
I recommend this movie to the people who have seen and enjoyed the first Enola Holmes movie. I also recommend it to people who just can’t leave a show or movie series unfinished. I feel like this movie has room for a third movie.