At the beginning of the school year, COVID-19 regulations seemed to have been lightened up compared to last year. Fremont High School stopped requiring students to wear masks as well as heavy sanitization of classrooms. More recently with the rise of new cases, morning temperature checks have been brought back to the school in order for students to enter the building.
There are three temperature checking stations at each main entrance of the school during the morning. Anna Ankersen is one of the staff members who checks for students and staff temperature. Her equipment is set up near the west side entrance of the school, right next to the main office.
“I believe the temp checks came back to Fremont High because it’s one more measure we can do to keep our students safe. Getting temps checked prior to getting any further in the building we are able to pull a student aside if they have a temp and get them over to the nurse right away in the morning.” Ankersen said.

When checking students, Ankersen mentioned that the equipment will sound if anyone has a temperature over 100.0 degrees. “The temperature read out is set to go off at 100.0 degrees. So, if the student is 96.8 degrees through 99.0 there is a green box that appears.” Ankersen said. “A red box will appear if temp reading is higher and an automated voice will sound that the reading is abnormal. So, you just recheck the student or staff and if still red then send the student or staff to the nurse.”
Temperature checks are just one step further to keeping students healthy, students can also take additional measures such as, wearing masks if they choose and using sanitizer often.